Wednesday, July 1, 2020

Max Man

You're 4 now!!!! You blow us away with how much you're learning and growing everyday. You love to learn and retain it all so well. Your memory is crazy, and shocks us how you reference things that happened months ago. You love to draw and you're pretty talented. When we pick you up from school you've always got at least five drawings to show us, (maps, family portraits including details like Mommy's sunburn, helicopters, lightning McQueen, dinosaurs). You could sit inside and watch shows all day if we let you. You'll even sit with Dad and watch dad shows together that you surprisingly enjoy, like Star Wars and Seinfeld. You love Kramer and you quote him and slide around the hall saying you're Kramer. You also love the "Too Much Tuna" guys and refer to currency in tuna dollops. It cracks us up. 
Not to sell you short, you do love playing outside as well. You just got a big wheel and you look so American whipping around on that on a hot summer night. You can handle all the big kid playgrounds and climb on all the crazy apparatus that a short time ago you wouldn't dare go on. We love you buddy.

Having a birthday during "stay at home" could have been a real drag, but the neighborhood really showed up. The neighborhood kids came by in wagons with happy birthday signs. The neighbors across the street made a really cool sign and were blasting the Cars soundtrack. People brought presents. It was really cool and Max had a great day. We are so thankful to live in a neighborhood with so many families and such a sense of community. 

Dress up like an old person day at daycare.

Oscar has been the best family dog. One example is how he let's Max walk him. 

Max's Family Portrait, including Mommy's sunburn.

Max found the wizard stick from the movie Onward.

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