Wednesday, July 1, 2020

First Post of 2020

We haven't posted since December, so this is our first post of 2020. It's been a pretty uneventful year so far. NOT!! It just turned July and boys 2020 has been a doozy so far. Hopefully there's a course correction and you'll read in history class about how the world came out of all this stronger and more unified, all while you're sitting in your physical classroom inside your physical school building and not on a zoom conference. 

It's been a crazy time lately. We need our sweet and innocent children to remind us of the inherent good in the world and in people. All these boys worry about is being able to stay outside another 5 minutes longer or if they can watch another Bubble Guppies. It's refreshing to spend time in their world. Thank god for these kids.  

Speaking of some much needed reminders of how beautiful this world is, we were blessed with such joy when Aunt Ellie and Uncle Tyler welcomed Harper into the world in February. We're so happy the Vieths got their sweet and healthy little girl. We got to visit the Vieths in Nashville in March and meet Harper. It was fun to see the cousins interact with each other. We can't wait for all the good times ahead. 

Baby Harper
Aunt Buggy and Willy

Mimi watch Finley, Max, and Will while the parents got to go for a night out. They were still going strong when we got home that night.

Outside the Beef House in Indiana, barf.

Brothers @ Breakfast

Watching the neighbor boys play basketball through the front window. A quarantine pastime.

Love living around all this water.

Bringing Mommy Flowers

Smile Will

Seriously, Smile Will

Alright, Will now you're doing it on purpose.

Hanging out on Neighbor Aaron and Becky's swing.

Fun night at the drive-in watching Trolls 2.

Chilly Willy
Road Trip to Evansville. The best little road warriors.

Donut Bank at the kitchen island. The boys love hanging with Mimi in the early morn at the kitchen island. Before we left for Indiana Max told me that "at Mimi and Pops you and Mommy have to stay asleep and I sit in the kitchen with Mimi and eat breakfast."

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