Thursday, August 29, 2019

Walking Willy

Will you are walking!!! By 9 months you started standing really well and sort of taking steps. Now you are full blown walking. You are in such a rush to catch up to your big bro. It's already getting tough to remember Max at your age so please don't be in such a rush. We just love the little baby boy you are right now.  You are such a sweet and happy kid. You've got such a happy-go-lucky attitude. Max will often steal the toy you're playing with, you don't fuss, you just move onto the next toy. Speaking of moving, you don't stop. If you're awake you are on the move. You love to play and laugh. You love to eat. You get so happy when you're in your high chair getting fed. You love strawberries and shovel them into your mouth with you little hands. You do this cute scrunch face and funny breathing thing (see video below). We don't know why you do it, it's usually you just being playful or excited. One of our favorite parts of the day is putting you to bed. Holding you and giving you your bottle while you look up at us and drift off to sleep is such a joy. We love you Will

Tuesday, August 6, 2019

Updates and Pics

In June we went up do Door County for the weekend. We stayed at a really cool hotel in Ephraim and hopped around to all the towns. This pic is Max standing in front of Al Johnsons, a restaurant in Sister Bay, where they have live goats that hang out on the roof all day. 

Ready for the fireworks at Mononafest on the 4th. 

Max and his buddy Eli having fun on the lake.

Max played Tee-Ball this year in Monona. It was so cool to see him grow and progress from his first game to his last. He was so shy in his first game. He wouldn't respond to his coach, he would duck his head and wouldn't field or run the bases. By the last game he was hitting great, fielding, and giving his coach high fives. 

Kiddy Cocktail

Max's stink face